Indeed. I have asked V for his permission in asking your corp for assistance. He has said 'Go For It'. So expect a call from me to render your scan probe services soon.
SOE Super Capital
The team at JUST asked us to create a new Super Capital ship concept for
Eve Online. So I immediately thought of the Sisters of Eve and their
decades ...
Tough Nuts
*Any wizard bright enough to survive for five minutes was also bright
enough to realise that if there was any power in demonology, then it lay
with the ...
All's Fair in Love and Video Games
From piracy and scamming, to backstabbing and thievery, EVE is full of
stories of players and their nefarious deeds against one another.
I logged in yest...
Hey again space fans!
Nice to see a few familiar faces in the comments of the last post. Hey guys
I should probably do an update on September a...
Soon, mate, soon. =D
I'll be fit for combat recons in a week or so.
And probibally will be competantly scanning within mid-september.
-Rai Deo
lol, all you have to do is ask, I'm bored all the time in helg, nothing goes on, and I don't quite feel safe enough flying around by myself....yet
Indeed. I have asked V for his permission in asking your corp for assistance. He has said 'Go For It'. So expect a call from me to render your scan probe services soon.
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