Okay so the Americanism in the title is not too funny for Brits. Back to Gusandall and I undock in my rupture thinking that I could get myself some bigger fish tonight but I see a Mean Corp pilot (call sign: General Problem) sitting right outside the station in a sacrilege. He sees me and targets me and alpha strikes my ass. Down to armour almost in the first volley. Luckily, I didn't panic and redocked.
Not too worried, I switched to the rifter and undocked and before he could even lock - I was gone and heading towards Hrondedir.
Entering the system, I see plenty of targets. Rifters mainly. However, there were other ships: cruisers and such flying around and i knew they would go for me if I ambushed anyone. I noticed one pilot leave local and took an educated guess and moved to the next system. I was right. Rakanas was there in his rifter so I scanned and went for him. Arriving out of warp the belt was empty; scanned and warped and again empty. Okay, Rakanas was in a SS. I scanned and warped and spotted him in the overview midway through the warp: basically he had dropped a BM midway from warping from Belt 1 to 2. I tried to do the same but landed still too far.
He laughed in local but we chatted and he offered me a 1 v 1. Hmmm; second one in as many days. His rifter was called 'Tanker' and he boasted that it cost him 2million isk. This pod pilot was just out of the academy for a day - where the hell did he get his money from?
Anyway, we agree a location and warp there.
I arrived a second before he did and as he exited warp: I hit the AB to close the distance and hit the scrambler and webber. My three 150mm autocanons spat out the EMP and the rocket launcher shot out the gremlins. He fired back too - hitting quite hard but i wasn't webbed or even scrambled. First thought was that he was shield tanking and with me using the trusty EMP rounds; he was toast.
However, his shield tank was good - even when he was down to 20% armour he could still regenerate shields. My EMP rounds however made the difference and soon his hull was breached and it was all over.
I snagged the pod and asked him if he wanted to be PK'ed. He wanted a quick trip home so I obliged. Rakanas will turn out to be a good pirate - he has the right attitude.
2007.01.17 23:00
Victim: Rakanas
Alliance: NONE
Corp: Republic Military School
Destroyed: Rifter
System: Hrondmund
Security: 0.4
Involved parties:
Name: flashfresh (laid the final blow)
Security: -9.9
Alliance: NONE
Corp: Independent Pilots
Ship: Rifter
Weapon: 150mm Light 'Scout' Autocannon I
Destroyed items:
Medium Subordinate Screen Stabilizer I
Cold-Gas I Arcjet Thrusters
Power Diagnostic System I
Shield Power Relay I
125mm Light 'Scout' Autocannon I
125mm Light 'Scout' Autocannon I
EMP S, Qty: 2700 (Cargo)
EMP S, Qty: 82
EMP S, Qty: 82
And yes, the podkill mail:
2007.01.17 23:01
Victim: Rakanas
Alliance: NONE
Corp: Republic Military School
Destroyed: Capsule
System: Hrondmund
Security: 0.4
Involved parties:
Name: flashfresh (laid the final blow)
Security: -9.9
Alliance: NONE
Corp: Independent Pilots
Ship: Rifter
Weapon: 150mm Light 'Scout' Autocannon I
Frigate Free For All
The 11th Annual A Band Apart Frigate Free for All will be held on Saturday,
March 29th in Amamake! So plan on attending, participating, and having the ...
6 days ago