Was at work and was bored so decided to see what I could hunt and yes, the Gods were kind. I left Gusandall and entered Eifer. Only Markosjas in local and I jumped to my safe spot - scanning spot and located Markosjas. His Concord approved bio didnt show me much but I could see he was in a stabber. A deadly and fast minmater cruiser. Wasn't too sure if the ol' rifter could handle it but since Markosjas was only 9 days out of Pod school; I decided to chance it. Maybe he would panic and I could kill him.
My scanning skills have sped up and I can located a prey in a belt within a tens of seconds and Markosjas was in belt IV. Like always, my heart quickens and my vision sharpens and tunnels down to the view screen. Attention on the hunt and kill.
The rifter leaps into warp and I do a final system check - ensuring that my ACs have ammo and rocket launcher also. No armour damage and shield recharged. I pop out of warp 6.5KM from Markosjas who had just dispatched the last Angel raider. I lock and hit the scrambler and my tactical updates with the stabber's shield and armour status. Markosjas was at 90% shield and his armour untouched. However, I had the element of surprise and within seconds of locking had started to unleash fire at him. The EMP rounds eat his shields and I am into his armour by the third salvo. Markosajas had overcome his shock and began to target back and hit me with a flameburst missile, the rifter shaking under the impact. I hit the afterburner to increase my speed as well as adjusting the orbit. The ACs do their work and soon he is down to armour. Markosjas yells in local to stop. I ransom him for a measly 500K but continue to take him down to hull. He doesn't pay after 30seconds and I tell him he has another 10s. I continue to fire to make my point.
It appears he cant pay due to his newbie status: so shrugging I blow his ship up and pod him as well.
2007.01.19 18:50
Victim: Markosjas
Alliance: NONE
Corp: Republic Military School
Destroyed: Stabber
System: Eifer
Security: 0.4
Involved parties:
Name: flashfresh (laid the final blow)
Security: -9.9
Alliance: NONE
Corp: Independent Pilots
Ship: Rifter
Weapon: 150mm Light Prototype I Automatic Cannon
Name: Angel Raider / Archangels
Destroyed items:
425mm AutoCannon I
100mm Reinforced Steel Plates I
Small Armor Repairer I
Standard Missile Launcher I
Cold-Gas I Arcjet Thrusters
Stasis Webifier I (Cargo)
Tracking Enhancer I (Cargo)
Nuclear S, Qty: 100 (Cargo)
Small Shield Booster I (Cargo)
Shield Recharger I (Cargo)
Depleted Uranium M, Qty: 33
Depleted Uranium M, Qty: 120
2007.01.19 18:51
Victim: Markosjas
Alliance: NONE
Corp: Republic Military School
Destroyed: Capsule
System: Eifer
Security: 0.4
Involved parties:
Name: flashfresh (laid the final blow)
Security: -9.9
Alliance: NONE
Corp: Independent Pilots
Ship: Rifter
Weapon: 150mm Light Prototype I Automatic Cannon
However, we do chat after he reclones. He is a bit stung and hurt but is good enough about it. I offer him some tips - such as stick to rifters and frigates for now.
Frigate Free For All
The 11th Annual A Band Apart Frigate Free for All will be held on Saturday,
March 29th in Amamake! So plan on attending, participating, and having the ...
4 days ago