Plenty of Fire and Death
I decided to do some solo work as the Black Flag operatives all had their own thing on. I grabbed my things and locked up my room - still a mess from a few weeks ago when I trashed the place in a drunken rage. I was angry at something but now, I can't remember. Maybe it was the size of my bank account. Who knows?
Nothing works out frustrations like a good hunt and the resultant kills. Even after almost two years of pirating, the thrill is still there. Most of the pirates I first flew with are still doing their thing; so something is right. I have to admit, pirating has made me millions of isk and lost me just as much. However, I am still more or less intact, mentally and still love roaring out of the space dock into a sea of reds. Well, maybe not a sea of reds.
Over the next hour or so, I got some nice kills that dropped decent loot. Around 01:19 New Eden Standard Time, I was in a mixed gang that was pursuing some known anti-pies. However, as the fleet moved, we all got split up and I found myself on my own. I had a megathron in front of me and three more ships of various classes behind me. As I approached the gate, ship shuddering as I slowed the battle cruiser down, a cerberus popped up behind me. He landed 17km from me and I was just about to give the order to activate the gate. I paused for only a second when I moved the ship from yellow alert to red alert, battle stations and then locked the cerberus.
"Cerb at the arnstur gate in Gult. Am locking and engaging."
"Roger - we're en-route." Said 50FreeFly. Yes, 50 was an anti-pie that we had fought but he has crossed the divide and joined up with us pirates, now flying with M34N. The cerb fired and it was game on. I nudged the micro warp drive and closed the gap while the cerberus let loose with a stream of missiles at me
2008.01.26 01:32
Victim: Lomong
Alliance: Fate Weavers
Corp: Void Spiders
Destroyed: Cerberus
System: Gultratren
Security: 0.3
Damage Taken: 9239
Involved parties:
Name: flashfresh (laid the final blow)
Security: -10.0
Alliance: None
Ship: Hurricane
Weapon: 425mm Medium 'Scout' Autocannon I
Damage Done: 8752
Name: 50freefly
Security: -9.9
Alliance: None
Corp: Mean Corp
Ship: Deimos
Weapon: Deimos
Damage Done: 487
Destroyed items:
Caldari Navy Terror Assault Missile, Qty: 49
'Arbalest' Heavy Assault Missile Launcher I
'Arbalest' Heavy Assault Missile Launcher I
'Arbalest' Heavy Assault Missile Launcher I
Ballistic Control System II
Ballistic Control System II
Ballistic Control System II
True Sansha Reactor Control Unit
Dropped items:
Caldari Navy Terror Assault Missile, Qty: 12
'Arbalest' Heavy Assault Missile Launcher I
'Arbalest' Heavy Assault Missile Launcher I
Large Shield Extender II
'Anointed' I EM Ward Reinforcement
Warp Disruptor II
Y-T8 Overcharged Hydrocarbon I Microwarpdrive
Invulnerability Field II
Terror Assault Missile, Qty: 4943 (Cargo)
Caldari Navy Terror Assault Missile, Qty: 1889 (Cargo)
That was a good kill but the Cerb pilot was doing a lethal amount of DPS. Over the next few hours, I killed a vexor, an incursus, a rupture, a rifter, a raven and a maelstrom. The latter was racing in to help his friend in the raven. Unfortunate enough to be caught outside the station by some pirate battleships and making the mistake of engaging us. Fairplay to the maelstrom pilot though.
A well-executed trap
Disaster struck however. I made the mistake of engaging a lone caracal slow-boating towards a gate. I locked and fired on him and then suddenly, a ship appeared (de-cloaked?) and scrambled me. Then within seconds my overview was filled with hostiles. I decided quickly to deagress as the sentry guns were beginning to hurt me. I could not leave the confines of the gate due to my being webbed nor could I warp out. I was also being hit by some of the assailants. They had me good and proper but eventually, gate command decided that I had waited long enough and I was allowed to jump. So I did but the tacklers came through and got me as I tried to leave the destructive embrace of the gate guns.
Great job by Dohle and Tatzu. They missed my pod though.
2008.01.26 20:56
Victim: flashfresh
Alliance: None
Destroyed: Hurricane
System: Gusandall
Security: 0.4
Damage Taken: 8994
Involved parties:
Name: Minmatar Sentry Gun / Republic Fleet
Damage Done: 7444
Name: dohle (laid the final blow)
Security: -1.9
Alliance: None
Corp: Cataclysm Enterprises
Ship: Sabre
Weapon: Sabre
Damage Done: 1529
Name: tatzu
Security: 4.5
Alliance: None
Corp: Cataclysm Enterprises
Ship: Stiletto
Weapon: 250mm Light Artillery Cannon II
Damage Done: 21
Destroyed items:
425mm Medium 'Scout' Autocannon I
EMP M, Qty: 87
Medium Unstable Power Fluctuator I
425mm AutoCannon II
Phased Plasma M, Qty: 162
Large Shield Extender II
Warp Disruptor II
Gyrostabilizer II
Gyrostabilizer II
Phased Plasma M, Qty: 3129 (Cargo)
10MN Afterburner I (Cargo)
J5b Phased Prototype Warp Inhibitor I (Cargo)
Core Defence Field Extender I, Qty: 2
Hornet EC-300, Qty: 3 (Drone Bay)
Dropped items:
EMP M, Qty: 43
425mm AutoCannon II
425mm AutoCannon II
425mm AutoCannon II
425mm Medium Carbine Repeating Cannon I
Medium 'Gremlin' Power Core Disruptor I
Large Shield Extender II
10MN MicroWarpdrive II
Gyrostabilizer II
Overdrive Injector System II
Overdrive Injector System II
F85 Peripheral Damage System I
Carbonized Lead M, Qty: 700 (Cargo)
X5 Prototype I Engine Enervator (Cargo)
EMP M, Qty: 1155 (Cargo)
Vespa EC-600 (Drone Bay)
Hornet EC-300 (Drone Bay)
SOE Super Capital
The team at JUST asked us to create a new Super Capital ship concept for
Eve Online. So I immediately thought of the Sisters of Eve and their
decades ...
1 day ago