Been getting a fair few messages of support from readers and I thank them. Keep the evemails coming and no, my consideration in joining Black-Flag in no way will stop me writing this blog; nor will my impartiality be impaired. I still need time to sort things out but Black-Flag is a new corp with pirates I like to yar with and killing and robbing and ransoming people is much more fun with others of the same mindset. We're pirates after all!
Moving round Heimatar and Metropolis I feel like there are more pirates around not less and about 50% of the fights are with other pirates. Some are new to the area, others are old hands. Nonetheless, this is about territory and loot and pirates will fight hard to maintain dominance. Currently, M34N corp are the dominant pirate corporation with Havoc Inc a continuous presence. BLACK-FLAG is a new upcoming pirate corporation with ambitious aims and enough blood thirsty pirates to make it a reality.
The Bastards are a pirate group that I've only bumped into a couple of times but we found out that they were camping a gate in Brin and we wondered whether pickings were thin for them that day - and maybe we can improve things for them?
We sent in a rifter first, for intel and the brave frigate pilot jumped in - meanwhile a mixed gang of us held station on the other side of the gate. The rifter pilot reported back, nervously as his cloaking timer was counting down.
"We have a drake, a harbringer, er and two 'canes and a punisher!"
"We need names to ships. Names to ships!" Said Viper Sam, the night's nominated FC. A few more seconds ticked by and we could only imagine what would be happening now.
"Lewis in harby, er Mahn in drake. Shit!" The comms went off and we came close to jumping. "Hold gate jump! Hold!" barked Viper Sam. Some of the others were eager to jump in and assist but we held. The rifter pilot reported back to us.
"They're firing on me and am taking damage - am running. They're agressed. They're all agressed." Reported our scout.
Decision made.
We all jumped and stayed cloaked and waited for primary to be called. Viper wanted the harbringer to be primary but it was too far from the gate. Only the drake and punisher was close enough for me and one other. The punisher was the only one that was not blinking red too. "Harbringer is primary, drake secondary" I said to the rest of the fleet - jumping in front of our FC. Ach - we're pirates not an organised navy!
As the ships decloaked, the comms came alive.
"Point on Drake!"
"Locking 'cane number one - need to mwd to it."
"Cane two is aliging. Get points on it!"
"Harby is bugging out."
"Point on Drake. Firing."
I locked the enemy drake and hit with my full rack of 425mm II ACs, spitting out EMP shells and knocking the famed shields down in quick succession. Grunanca in his sleipnir with engines roaring, closed the distance and unloaded hell onto the drake as well. The other two canes and harbringer had aligned and warped out. We didn't have enough tacklers with us this time round and had to let the other marks go. Pity.
The drake popped and we all attempted to lock the pod, however it insta-warped.
Risking the sentry guns - I locked and blasted the punisher as well; my blood lust well and truly raised. The sentry guns started to hit me and Redbad as no-one else in our fleet was firing on the punisher. No matter, tough as it was - the plucky little frigate popped.
Had to log and leave the rest of the fleet to complete their sweep.
2007.11.27 23:29
Victim: Mahn AlNouhm
Alliance: NONE
Corp: The Bastards
Destroyed: Drake
System: Brin
Security: 0.2
Involved parties:
Name: flashfresh
Security: -10.0
Alliance: NONE
Corp: Independent Pilots
Ship: Hurricane
Weapon: Hobgoblin I
Name: Redbad
Security: -5.7
Alliance: NONE
Corp: Mean Corp
Ship: Stabber
Weapon: Stabber
Name: Kane Rizzel
Security: -10.0
Alliance: Derek Knows Us
Corp: NovaKane Incorporated
Ship: Rupture
Weapon: Rupture
Name: WayCharles
Security: -2.2
Alliance: NONE
Corp: Tempered Steel Legion
Ship: Cerberus
Weapon: Terror Assault Missile
Name: Grunanca (laid the final blow)
Security: -9.8
Alliance: NONE
Ship: Sleipnir
Weapon: 425mm AutoCannon II
Name: Viper Sam
Security: -9.9
Alliance: NONE
Ship: Vagabond
Weapon: Vagabond
Destroyed items:
Havoc Heavy Missile, Qty: 2510 (Cargo)
Scourge Heavy Missile, Qty: 112
Heavy Missile Launcher I, Qty: 3
J5 Prototype Warp Inhibitor I, Qty: 1
Type-D Power Core Modification: Diagnostic System, Qty: 1
Type-D Power Core Modification: Shield Flux, Qty: 2
Large Azeotropic Ward Salubrity I, Qty: 1
V-M15 Braced Multispectral Shield Matrix, Qty: 2
2007.11.27 23:30
Victim: Erevex
Alliance: NONE
Corp: The Bastards
Destroyed: Punisher
System: Brin
Security: 0.2
Involved parties:
Name: flashfresh
Security: -10.0
Alliance: NONE
Corp: Independent Pilots
Ship: Hurricane
Weapon: Hurricane
Name: Redbad (laid the final blow)
Security: -5.8
Alliance: NONE
Corp: Mean Corp
Ship: Stabber
Weapon: Dual 180mm AutoCannon II
Destroyed items:
Microwave S, Qty: 6 (Cargo)
Gamma S, Qty: 1
Small Nosferatu I, Qty: 1
'Langour' Drive Disruptor I, Qty: 1 (Cargo)
J5b Phased Prototype Warp Inhibitor I, Qty: 1
100mm Reinforced Steel Plates II, Qty: 1
SOE Super Capital
The team at JUST asked us to create a new Super Capital ship concept for
Eve Online. So I immediately thought of the Sisters of Eve and their
decades ...
1 day ago