The title tells it all but losing a ship still stings. After a quiet weekend, I chased down a rifter and proceeded to pop it. However, the wolf is a simple ship - no web so the mark started to move away from me at speed. Luckily, some Angels appeared and took exception to the rifter pilot and proceeded to blow off what little hull was left on his rifter. The Angels got the final blow and the concord killmail. I however, picked up some much needed T2 ammo and a T2 afterburner.
Meanwhile, Jack'Frost had tracked a wolf down in a complex and I eagerly jumped in to help. By the time I was in gate activation and about to be sling shoted into the complex, Jack'Frost informed me that he was down and in his pod - high tailing it out of there, leaving his drones behind.
I landed 2km from the target wolf, piloted by 'Countessa' so I immediately opened up on her. She had a nice tank, as wolves would have, but she had a nos and a repper. I was a fully plated wolf.
Should be an even match - my higher armour HP and DPS versus her repper and nos.
The the complex's angels decided to take a disliking to me.
They fired on me as well.
I popped under the combined fire and had the bad fortune of hitting Jack'Frost's wreck on the way out. So I got podded as well! Such is life. Reason why I never have implants.
Good fight by Countessa. She took out an ishkur then a wolf in quick succession. Pretty fucking good in my book. Am sure we'll lock horns with her again. Meanwhile, I had a long shuttle journey ahead of me......
2007.11.05 17:19
Victim: flashfresh
Alliance: NONE
Corp: Independent Pilots
Destroyed: Wolf
System: Gusandall
Security: 0.4
Involved parties:
Name: Countessa (laid the final blow)
Security: -1.1
Corp: LEGI0N
Ship: Wolf
Weapon: 200mm AutoCannon II
Name: Gistii Thug / Angel Cartel
Name: Wrecker Alvum / Unknown
Destroyed items:
Small Armor Repairer II
N-Type Kinetic Hardener I
J5 Prototype Warp Inhibitor I
Hail S, Qty: 1491 (Cargo)
1MN Afterburner II
150mm Light AutoCannon II
150mm Light AutoCannon II
150mm Light AutoCannon II
Gremlin Rocket, Qty: 356 (Cargo)
EMP S, Qty: 2010 (Cargo)
Phased Plasma S, Qty: 1228 (Cargo)
Thorn Rocket, Qty: 530 (Cargo)
1MN Afterburner II (Cargo)
Gremlin Rocket, Qty: 3
EMP S, Qty: 39
Phased Plasma S, Qty: 53
Hail S, Qty: 38
2007.11.05 17:20
Victim: flashfresh
Alliance: NONE
Corp: Independent Pilots
Destroyed: Capsule
System: Gusandall
Security: 0.4
Involved parties:
Name: Countessa (laid the final blow)
Security: -1.1
Corp: LEGI0N
Ship: Wolf
Weapon: 200mm AutoCannon II
Ahh - looks like I have a sens of humour too....
2007.11.05 17:19
So you died? Well you have a Clone at Auga X - Moon 3 - Brutor tribe Bureau station. Enjoy your afterlife.
15 Years 10 Posts
In celebration of 15 years of blogging here in Eveoganda I had my crack
admin team pull the data on the top ten posts from the last 15 years. These
10 hours ago