After popping Seraph, she chatted to me from her recloning vat. She understood that her setup was not optimal so I was more than happy to guide her through it.
My global flag was gone and I decided to head back towards home. In Gusandall however, there was another pilot who I had spotted earlier in the day: Khaled Urduni. The bio was informative and he had a small bounty.
I thought it would be a hoot to track him down though Madman5222 was also in local and also in a rifter. Not bothering who I took, I scanned and it was clear that Madman5222 was in a safe spot while Khaled was ratting in a rifter and was in one of two belts.
Deciding that he would be probably finishing the first belt, I sat at the safe spot scanning for wrecks and waiting for the right moment to ambush him. Best to get them when they are in the middle of something - the second it takes for them to make a decision (shall I leave this loot or not?) is usually enough for me.
Once again, i could feel the adrenanline pumping through my system as my rifter warped towards the target. The ship seemed to feel my eager anticipation and leapt out of warp. The overview flashed yellow as Khalid appeared 12KM away. He also had a bounty and targetted me almost as soon as I targetted him. It was game on.
I scrambled him to be sure as my afterburner ate up the distance. He started to hit me with his T2 200mm autocannons so it was going to be a challenge. Luckily, he didn't have a webber so once within 10KM, I webbed him and slammed the rifter into a 2KM orbit. He then started to Nos me but it didn't worry me none. I found using the Nos on a rifter is useless as one can't really tank.
We ripped each other's shields off in seconds but I was hitting harder and deeper each time. He was into hull while I was still at 35% armour. My T1 150 scouts versus his T2 200mm autocannons. I had more DPS as the rocket launcer was adding to the damage as opposed to his small NOS.
I whooped as his armour peeled off under the fusiliade of fire from the trusty 150mm autocannons (God I love 'em) and he was into hull.....but still armour tanking too. I decided to finish this and hit approach to try and ram him and make sure that the last salvos didn't miss.
He hull cracked, venting atmosphere and his pod popped out. I was ready and snagged it and without even bothering to conv' - i sent a few EMP rounds into it. There was a most satisfying squish and his flash frozen body appeared in space.
His loot was ok: two T2 200mm autocannons survived the fight but he lost his small armour repairer II.
It was a good fight and I collected the 250K bounty that was on his head. Waiting another 15 minutes for the global flag to expire; I reflected that it was a good day hunting after all.
2007.01.23 00:33
Victim: Khaled Urduni
Alliance: NONE
Corp: Typical Iraqi Dialect Enterprises
Destroyed: Rifter
System: Gusandall
Security: 0.4
Involved parties:
Name: flashfresh (laid the final blow)
Security: -10.0
Alliance: NONE
Corp: Independent Pilots
Ship: Rifter
Weapon: 150mm Light Prototype I Automatic Cannon
Name: Angel Depredator / Archangels
Destroyed items:
Small Nosferatu I
Tracking Disruptor I (Cargo)
Capacitor Power Relay I
EMP S, Qty: 2009 (Cargo)
1MN Afterburner I
100mm Reinforced Steel Plates I (Cargo)
Small Armor Repairer I (Cargo)
Ballistic Control System I (Cargo)
Heavy Assault Missile Launcher I (Cargo)
125mm Light Gallium I Machine Gun (Cargo)
280mm Gallium I Cannon (Cargo)
Remote Sensor Booster I (Cargo)
Kapteyn Sensor Array Inhibitor I (Cargo)
Small Shield Booster I (Cargo)
Stasis Webifier I
200mm AutoCannon II
Warp Scrambler I
Small Armor Repairer II
Damage Control I
'Malkuth' Heavy Missile Launcher I (Cargo)
2007.01.23 00:35
Victim: Khaled Urduni
Alliance: NONE
Corp: Typical Iraqi Dialect Enterprises
Destroyed: Capsule
System: Gusandall
Security: 0.4
Involved parties:
Name: flashfresh (laid the final blow)
Security: -10.0
Alliance: NONE
Corp: Independent Pilots
Ship: Rifter
Weapon: 150mm Light 'Scout' Autocannon I
2007.01.23 00:34
For your termination of Khaled Urduni we have paid you the bounty that was
set to his head: 250,000.00 ISK
Frigate Free For All
The 11th Annual A Band Apart Frigate Free for All will be held on Saturday,
March 29th in Amamake! So plan on attending, participating, and having the ...
6 days ago