It was proving to be a slow day as my hunting grounds appeared to be getting a bit crowded so I pushed out further and got into The Forge. I realised that Paala was only another 2 jumps away and then I would be into the new 0.0 space. Possible rich pickings for me?
However, an acquitance appeared in my public channel and from the conversation; the triangle had quietened down somewhat and he was hunting. I performed a u-turn and hit the afterburner to make my way home.
I entered Eifer as per normal and spied the usual suspects and offered to gang with Rakanas so we could hunt together. A fruitless 30 minutes and I logged for a bit.
Coming back, Rakanas had a kill to his name - a slasher and I just missed a rifter in Ingunn. My blood was now starting to boil up: I was determined to get at least one kill before logging. Quick jumps into the triangle systems and I landed back in Eifer.
It was busy and a fair few Black Fleet pilots flying around.
So I waited. A hunter needs to be patient after all. Soon, local started to thin out as both Black Fleet and Obsidian left Eifer leaving about six in local. With my trusty scanner open I jumped to a scan spot and started my search. The results were encouraging: x2 rifters and a thrasher.
All appeared to be ratting and I spied the thrasher to be the closest. Checking ammo levels and shields I narrowed it down to two belts and chose one. Hitting warp my heart was thumping again and as I popped out of warp; I made sure the overview was set to kill mode.
Must be in the other belt. I hit warp again and prayed that the thrasher pilot was too busy ratting.
Exiting warp was a tab slower and my heart beat faster - it usually slows down a fraction as it needs to load in extra details....such as ship details of my prey. Bursting out of warp I whooped in savage joy as I saw the wonderful, white square appear in the overview. My rifter took a couple of seconds to orientate itself and get a fix on its location - I had already hit my afterburner and was slamming my way towards the thrasher. Piloted by Seraph McSobel from the 'Tim Finnegan Corp'. No idea who it was and I didn't care. I was 17KM away and hit the scrambler straight away.
Seraph had started to target me already and started to hit me when I was 11KM. At 10KM the webber went on and at 7KM I unleashed my three autocannons and rocket launcher. 'Fly my beauties' I thought as I saw the EMP rounds zip their way towards the thrasher.
My shields were going down but not as fast as Seraph's. I hit a tight orbit and made sure the capacitor was ok. Can't run the scrambler for too long and I might have to toggle it off. However, Seraph didn't have a webber and from the sound of her guns - it appeared she had artillery units instead of autocannons.
My EMP rounds ripped her shields open and punched holes into her armour. Blood lust was on me. I was not going to stop.
She was into structure and I prepared to snag her pod. There was a big boom, debris pinging off my still functioning shields as I locked and then scrambled her pod. God I love the Rifter!
I was going to ransom but local had suddenly leapt to 12 so I popped her body and looted her wreck.
The adrenanline rush is intense. I love it.
2007.01.23 00:14
Victim: Seraph McSobel
Alliance: NONE
Corp: Tim Finnegan Corp
Destroyed: Thrasher
System: Eifer
Security: 0.4
Involved parties:
Name: flashfresh (laid the final blow)
Security: -10.0
Alliance: NONE
Corp: Independent Pilots
Ship: Rifter
Weapon: 150mm Light 'Scout' Autocannon I
Name: Angel Smasher / Archangels
Destroyed items:
EMP S, Qty: 578 (Cargo)
Sabretooth Light Missile, Qty: 700 (Cargo)
280mm Howitzer Artillery I
Fusion S, Qty: 844 (Cargo)
280mm Howitzer Artillery I
Gyrostabilizer I
EMP S, Qty: 5
2007.01.23 00:15
Victim: Seraph McSobel
Alliance: NONE
Corp: Tim Finnegan Corp
Destroyed: Capsule
System: Eifer
Security: 0.4
Involved parties:
Name: flashfresh (laid the final blow)
Security: -10.0
Alliance: NONE
Corp: Independent Pilots
Ship: Rifter
Weapon: 150mm Light 'Scout' Autocannon I
Frigate Free For All
The 11th Annual A Band Apart Frigate Free for All will be held on Saturday,
March 29th in Amamake! So plan on attending, participating, and having the ...
4 days ago