Gah. Hate being podded but you win some and lose some. After regaining consciousness at cloning station, signing the necessary forms and all that - I wandered back to a room that I had registered before the death. Unfortunately, I don't remember hiring this room. Nor do I remember the clothes in the locker that I was now opening.
There was a glitch in the memory transfer and as a result, I had lost some long term memory so my proficiency in some skills were lacking. Damnit.
Ordering some coffee, I reviewed my inventory and discovered that there were at least three fully fitted rifters in a hangar that was to my name. I don't remember outfitting these rifters either. However, there was an itch in the back of my head that told me that everything would be alright. Choosing one, I ordered the ship to be made ready. Now the ship management system would send a call out for an experienced crew to invite themselves to serve on this rifter. I set up standard payment and insurance packages and then satisfied, ordered some food.
I came back to the room four hours later after a walk around the station. The computer chirruped and informed me that the ship and crew were all ready. Ammunition and stores all loaded up and it was time for Flashfresh to go out and do his business. I locked the room behind and made my way to the hangar, after signing yet another contract with the cloning company.
Then I was off into the black.
Best way to get back into the swing of things is with a kill or two. I settled into the rifter and hit the black. Setting course to Gusandall. Already, Lucius Cain was asking for my whereabouts as that rascal had yet more targets on his scanner. I promised him that I would make my way, best speed and set course.
Three jumps into the journey, I saw something in the scanner. I paused and debated whether I should investigate the scan result. I knew I would be distracted if I didn't investigate this so I set the jump engines and boom. Landed on top of a rifter ratting.
Instinct took over and I hit the scrambler and orbited the frigate. The new crew responded well as did the ship itself. I hit the rifter with my own rifter's 150mm autocannons - they kicked in with ferocious abandon as emp shells spat out and smashed into Solo Kalone's shields. Each shell ate up more of his shield until it was chewing armour. This too went through quickly and soon, the rifter was venting atmosphere. With the new crew, they had to be 'baptised' so I blew the Captain's pod up as well. There was a hearty cheer from the crew, which I approved.
Concord, efficient as always:
2007.04.18 20:14
Victim: Solo Kalone
Alliance: NONE
Corp: Republic Military School
Destroyed: Rifter
System: Hofjaldgund
Security: 0.3
Involved parties:
Name: Angel Crusher / Archangels
Name: flashfresh (laid the final blow)
Security: -10.0
Alliance: NONE
Corp: Independent Pilots
Ship: Rifter
Weapon: 150mm Light AutoCannon I
Destroyed items:
Small Capacitor Battery II
200mm Light Carbine Repeating Cannon I
200mm Light Carbine Repeating Cannon I
Type-D Altered SS Nanofiber Structure
200mm Light Carbine Repeating Cannon I
Nuclear S, Qty: 2000 (Cargo)
Proton S, Qty: 41
Proton S, Qty: 37
Sabretooth Light Missile, Qty: 26
Also, snagged the pod too:
2007.04.18 20:15
Victim: Solo Kalone
Alliance: NONE
Corp: Republic Military School
Destroyed: Capsule
System: Hofjaldgund
Security: 0.3
Involved parties:
Name: flashfresh (laid the final blow)
Security: -10.0
Alliance: NONE
Corp: Independent Pilots
Ship: Rifter
Weapon: 150mm Light AutoCannon I
I told Lucius that I would be a little bit late.....
Once the criminal flag was up, I continued with my journey. At one stargate, I was still under the cloak of the gate engines - some odd result of their jump engines or somesuch. I saw a rifter sitting there and well, I had to see if it would attack me. I am -10 security rated, thusfair game to anyone. I de-cloaked and hit the jump drive and pushed the rifter towards a pilot called KrimsonEye Kaila.
She couldnt resist.
KrimsonEye Kaila's rifter locked on mine and opened fire - safe in the knowledge that the sentry guns would remain silent. I made sure she was now flagged and that I too could shoot back to defend myself and I did.
We circled each other like hawks - I had already dropped a webber in favour of a medium shield extender - now I was shield tanking, having added two enormous engine upgrades to the rifter. I moved so fast even without the afterburners. She scored the first set of decent hits but they merely scratched the shields. I replied with emp and gremlin rockets and they ate her shields with gusto.
Kaila got in closer and made sure her 150mm autocannons did the maximum amount of damage - her optimal was also my optimal so I merely concentrated on my ammo levels rather than fighting range. Slowly, Kaila's shields began to dip down and then her armour was being hit too. Not too sure if she was armour tanking but my emp and gremlin rockets cared little. My shields still held steady at around 50%.
A new danger appeared: a brutix. It launched it's drones at me and sent them zipping towards me. The fight now had tipped to Kaila's side. It is unknown whether Kaila actually called in reinforcements but since we were at a stargate - travellers could stop and join in if they wanted to. No matter - I was a red blinkie and most 'decent' peeps would want to take a pop at me - especially as I was in a T1 rifter. The brutix's drones started to tear at me shields while the battlecruiser itself was still over 20KM away. Based on this, I figured that the Gallente battlecruiser was a close-range blaster job with webbers. It started to close the distance and was now 20km, so I had about 30 seconds to kill Kaila's rifter and then get the hell out of dodge.
I tore at the armour then hull of Kaila's rifter. I had come this far and had all the intention to knock her ship out if not pod her. The drones were merciless and tore me down to armour as Kaila finally entered hull.
My aim was still true and Kaila's hull disappeared in two salvoes - I was already aligning to a planet when she blew. As soon as her ship disappeared in a cloud of expanding plasma and debris; I warped - the drones had latched on and drilled into the hull plating now. However as the ship jumped into warp, the irritating drones were brushed off and I was safe.
It was close. With no armour repairer I was horribly exposed until my shield regenerated.
2007.04.18 20:52
Victim: KrimsonEye Kaila
Alliance: Endless Horizon
Corp: Spiritus Draconis
Destroyed: Rifter
System: Egmar
Security: 0.3
Involved parties:
Name: flashfresh (laid the final blow)
Security: -10.0
Alliance: NONE
Corp: Independent Pilots
Ship: Rifter
Weapon: 150mm Light AutoCannon I
Destroyed items:
'Abandon' Targeting Disruptor I
150mm Light Carbine Repeating Cannon I
Capacitor Power Relay I
Phased Plasma S, Qty: 49
Phased Plasma S, Qty: 49
I opened up a message back to Kaila and congratulated on the fight. I made no mention of the help she got. No matter, it was fun and I felt like I was back.
SOE Super Capital
The team at JUST asked us to create a new Super Capital ship concept for
Eve Online. So I immediately thought of the Sisters of Eve and their
decades ...
1 day ago