So it was inevitable that we would tangle with Blackfleet once more. I was asked by the gang to come in my ruptureand proceed to Sotrenzur. Intel had spotted a much stronger Blackfleet gang in the nearby system and we had to get into position to intercept them - after the gate camp failed.
The squad leader gang warped the small fleet (drake, rupture, rupture, hyperion, megathron) to a planet and seconds later - the Blackfleet gang arrived. Primary was called on the astarte and the firing commenced. My ruptures four 425mm autocannons spun up and fired out a fearsome salvo but the monstrous tank of the command ship soaked it up. The other ships in our gang did likewise but the tank looked very difficult to break.
Meanwhile, Blackfleet was dishing out some major pain.
The Hyperion blew up under a massed bombardment from three ships.
I was targetted, scrambled and webbed and the my rupture - having served me faithfully for over a year, was reduced to a molten lump of scrap. Worse was to follow as my pod was snagged and I got podded. Some Blackfleet pilot now had a nice fat, 6 million isk bounty.
Victim: flashfresh
Alliance: NONE
Corp: Independent Pilots
Destroyed: Rupture
System: Sotrenzur
Security: 0.3
Involved parties:
Name: Sogeki Ganzenai (laid the final blow)
Security: -2.5
Alliance: NONE
Corp: The Kaizoku
Ship: Megathron
Weapon: Neutron Blaster Cannon II
Name: Irish Whiskey
Security: -7.6
Alliance: NONE
Corp: The Black Fleet
Ship: Drake
Weapon: Torrent Assault Missile
Name: Longtooth
Security: -5.4
Alliance: NONE
Corp: The Black Fleet
Ship: Dominix
Weapon: E50 Prototype Energy Vampire
Name: Florent Stark
Security: -9.9
Alliance: NONE
Corp: The Black Fleet
Ship: Falcon
Weapon: 'Malkuth' Heavy Missile Launcher I
Destroyed items:
425mm Medium Carbine Repeating Cannon I
Gyrostabilizer I
Hobgoblin I (Drone Bay)
Hobgoblin I (Drone Bay)
Gyrostabilizer I
Proton M, Qty: 1835 (Cargo)
Stasis Webifier I
400mm Reinforced Rolled Tungsten Plates I
Medium Armor Repairer I
Fleeting Progressive Warp Scrambler I
Small Nosferatu I
EMP M, Qty: 11
EMP M, Qty: 11
And here, concord confirmed the pod kill. I woke up in Auga. I felt cold and a bit sick.
2007.02.25 00:02
Victim: flashfresh
Alliance: NONE
Corp: Independent Pilots
Destroyed: Capsule
System: Sotrenzur
Security: 0.3
Involved parties:
Name: Karlemgne
Security: -8.7
Alliance: NONE
Corp: The Black Fleet
Ship: Taranis
Weapon: Hobgoblin II
Name: Aydae (laid the final blow)
Security: -9.8
Alliance: NONE
Corp: The Black Fleet
Ship: Caracal
Weapon: Scourge Heavy Missile
Waking up in Auga, my old home was a pleasant experience as recloning experiences go by. I had my clothes still here and a hangar-full of ships. Including another rupture. The fight in Sotrenzur was bad for us: BlackFleet carried the day with at least another two ship kills and a pod kill.
No doubt we will have another stab at it.
Lucius and Revivor had by this time, moved away from the gang as both MW and RLE pilots retired to their stations to re-arm and lick their wounds. Luc and Rev wanted to continue their pirating ways and decided to head down the pipe into metropolis. Basically, they were heading towards me so I undocked and travelled up the pipe to meet them half way. Both groups scanning the systems for targets.
We met up in Ebolfer after a fruitless seek and destroy misson for a rupture in Ezsur. The pilot here was a veteran one and was not afraid to continue ratting and working while we were in local. I scanned the pilot down to a belt and jumped in.
The rupture arrived in a flash 6km away from another rupture. I hit the scrambler and the nos and proceeded to close the distance. I performed a decent alpha strike on it but it responded in kind. Ach - tech 2 ammunition methinks.
I tackled and held the rupture long enough for Revivor and Lucius to arrive. They finished the kill with a podding.
2007.02.25 00:56
Victim: flashfresh
Alliance: NONE
Corp: Independent Pilots
Destroyed: Rupture
System: Ebolfer
Security: 0.3
Involved parties:
Name: chuchullin (laid the final blow)
Security: -3.2
Alliance: NONE
Corp: Legio Immortalis
Ship: Rupture
Weapon: Dual 180mm AutoCannon II
Destroyed items:
Dual 180mm AutoCannon I
220mm Vulcan AutoCannon I
Medium Nosferatu I
10MN Afterburner I
Stasis Webifier I
Gyrostabilizer I
Gyrostabilizer I
Hammerhead I (Drone Bay)
EMP M, Qty: 79
EMP M, Qty: 59
EMP M, Qty: 60
EMP M, Qty: 79
2007.02.25 00:57
Victim: chuchullin
Alliance: NONE
Corp: Legio Immortalis
Destroyed: Rupture
System: Ebolfer
Security: 0.3
Involved parties:
Name: flashfresh
Security: -10.0
Alliance: NONE
Corp: Independent Pilots
Ship: Capsule
Weapon: Stasis Webifier I
Name: Phalanx Rocket / Archangels
Name: Lucius Cain (laid the final blow)
Security: -9.9
Alliance: Pandemic Legion
Corp: SniggWaffe
Ship: Rupture
Weapon: Dual 180mm AutoCannon I
Name: Revivor
Security: -4.6
Alliance: NONE
Corp: Republic Military School
Ship: Rifter
Weapon: Thorn Rocket
Destroyed items:
Medium Armor Repairer II
Dual 180mm AutoCannon II
Dual 180mm AutoCannon II
Y-T8 Overcharged Hydrocarbon I Microwarpdrive
N-Type Kinetic Hardener I
Stasis Webifier I
EMP M, Qty: 66
Nice kit there.
Well, losing two ruptures and a podding was probably enough for one day.
I logged and bid my gang mates a good night.
SOE Super Capital
The team at JUST asked us to create a new Super Capital ship concept for
Eve Online. So I immediately thought of the Sisters of Eve and their
decades ...
1 day ago