From my own ratting days, I knew that Covryn would be ideal to start my burgeoning pirate career. Covryn has a 4/10 complex and is one jump from Stacmon. Covryn itself is a 0.4 system.
I landed in the system and local was alive with chatter - my sec rating was not low enough to scare anyone so I found the Serpentis complex and warped to it. My heart was thumping hard as I activated the warp acceleration gate. It picked up my rifter and flung it into a deadspace complex.
Five targets appeared all scattered across the complex. Didn't seem to be working together so I took my time and scanned around. There was a Merlin close by, so I thought 'why not'? I activated the afterburner and leapt towards the Caldari frigate. A quick check on the pilot revealed that he wasn't a noob and this made it better.
I locked (concord warning me that I would get a sec hit -- YARR!) and I scrambled Sevau. I then got close and hit hi with the authocannons and rockets. He started yelling in local - that I was a pirate and should leave him alone.
He tried to fight back but his skills must be poor. The famed shields of the merlin disappeared in a flurry of fire and the EMP round ates into his armour. He tried to warp out but the disruptor kept him scrambled.
I dispatched his ship with relish. My heart was hammering so hard I almost fell off my chair.
2006.09.16 17:48
Victim: Sevau
Alliance: NONE
Corp: W.L.A.M.O.
Destroyed: Merlin
System: Covryn
Security: 0.4
Involved parties:
Name: Serpentis Trooper / Serpentis Corporation
Name: flashfresh (laid the final blow)
Security: -2.9
Alliance: NONE
Corp: The Water Margin.
Ship: Rifter
Weapon: Gremlin Rocket
Destroyed items:
Standard Missile Launcher I
Small Shield Booster I
Reactor Control Unit I
Cap Recharger I
125mm Railgun I
Remote Sensor Dampener I (Cargo)
Antimatter Charge S, Qty: 100 (Cargo)
1MN Afterburner I (Cargo)
Iridium Charge S, Qty: 66
Bloodclaw Light Missile, Qty: 36
Bloodclaw Light Missile, Qty: 36
Of course, it doesn't quite end there. I had a global flag but stayed in a safe spot as local erupted with cries of 'Pirate' and 'scum' and 'loser' and other terms. It was fun listening to them all bleat. Most docked. Some tried to come look for me.
I waited patiently, the incredible high was still there and it took my 15 minutes to calm down. Maybe that's why the criminal flag lasts just as long?
Hoping to be second lucky, I entered the serpentis complex again. Whooping with blood lust I spotted more targets and afterburner'ed to one - a relative noob in a velator. I popped it in ONE salvo.
2006.09.16 18:05
Victim: darkmoles
Alliance: NONE
Corp: Center for Advanced Studies
Destroyed: Velator
System: Covryn
Security: 0.4
Involved parties:
Name: flashfresh (laid the final blow)
Security: -3.0
Alliance: NONE
Corp: The Water Margin.
Ship: Rifter
Weapon: Gremlin Rocket
Name: Corelum Chief Defender / Serpentis
Destroyed items:
Civilian Light Electron Blaster
Light Electron Blaster I (Cargo)
Civilian Mining Drone (Cargo)
Small Energy Transfer Array I (Cargo)
Once again, the high was intense. Am turning into an adrenanline junkie I think and once again, local was alive with chatter. I didn't pod darkmoles but went after a tristan. However he managed to warp away before the scrambler could snag him. Cursing in frustration, I went to a safe spot and waited out the flag. However, my scanner picked up a kestrel close by. Guessing he was at the acceleration gate - I warped in. He was there and from the local chatter, they were waiting for me.
Oh yes, fight on. The kestrel hit hard with it's four rockets but the pilot was a noob with poor skills. His ship died.
2006.09.16 18:07
Victim: pigha007
Alliance: NONE
Corp: School of Applied Knowledge
Destroyed: Kestrel
System: Covryn
Security: 0.4
Involved parties:
Name: flashfresh (laid the final blow)
Security: -3.0
Alliance: NONE
Corp: The Water Margin.
Ship: Rifter
Weapon: Gremlin Rocket
Name: Coreli Patroller / Serpentis
Destroyed items:
Standard Missile Launcher I
Standard Missile Launcher I
Civilian Shield Booster I
Miner I (Cargo)
Flameburst Light Missile, Qty: 36
God I love EVE-Online.
SOE Super Capital
The team at JUST asked us to create a new Super Capital ship concept for
Eve Online. So I immediately thought of the Sisters of Eve and their
decades ...
1 day ago