13 Sept 2012

End of Olympics and RIP VR

My first post in about a two-month's of inactivity starts off with my deepest and sincerest condolences to the family of Sean Smith (aka Vile Rat) - the story has been reported in numerous organs around the world. A senseless loss of life that included the US Ambassador, three US consular staff and local staff. All over a film, or so we're told. The attack didn't seem spontaneous.

Vile Rat has indeed played a long-term and very strategic role in the crazy world of New Eden. On a personal note, I understand 100% the work he does, the commitment he had to make and the dangers he has been facing. I have on many an occasion worked in similar environments and countries; though my role differ from Sean's. I work for a NGO, he was contracted to the US Government. We're both in IT and no doubt, would have had stories to swap about some of the crazy shit one had to do to get internet access.  Situations can suddenly balloon out of what looked like insignificant sparks into a fatal firestorm of injury and death. A friend of mine was caught up in the Marriott Hotel bombing in Pakistan two years ago, another was in Libya before the Gaddaffi over-through, yet another was in Kabul UN compound when it was stormed by the Taliban last year. I was nearly caught up in friendly fire in Pakistan last year. Yet more reasons why I need to rethink my own position. My wife certainly wants me home more often that's for sure.

Once again as a fellow New Eden resident and as a human being, my thoughts with his family and friends.

My sad theme continues however, I was away from the game initially due to the start of the London 2012 Olympics; what a set of games! However, a friend of mine, fighting cancer finally lost the battle, at 42. He was diagnosed about five years ago and it was in remission after his first fight back. We all thought he was in the clear and then all of sudden, it came back with a vengeance and killed him.

His funeral was just after the Olympics had ended. So a bitter sweet event for sure, after Team GB's superb showing. My friend was a keen sportsman himself and would have loved all the events.

So along came the London 2012 Paralympics, I was again involved in a support capacity and what an event! Loved it and cheered myself hoarse when I could attend the events. Was there to see the Paralympic flame get passed on.

Then came more news: another friend had to retire early at 39; due to cancer. He hasn't got long and decided to spend as much time with his two young kids and wife. The shock hasn't yet receded from anyone.

Before anyone asks me, no - in our youth, we did not grow up or play anywhere near a nuclear facility nor subject ourselves to unnecessary x-rays. However, at my age it is getting more likely that diseases and illnesses like this starts to afflict my peers (though late 30s is scary for me). Not to mention divorce, parenthood and mid-life crisis.

So, my planned return (I had no intention of dropping out of New Eden by the way) was delayed and then delayed again by real life. Right now, I am in a location that prevents me from using the Eve client (and anything useful for that matter), though I am going to sneakily install a VPN client and tunnel my out to at least enable me to download an update to the client!

Good karma to everyone, RIP to Vile Rat, RIP to my mate, MS and peace and good will to everyone.