Interesting news that M34N have signed up with 'The Church' - does this mean that they are now leaving the friendly Gusandall - Katugumur neighbourhood for pastures anew? Most likely, as The Church is mainly based in Molden Heath. Certainly, it will make The Church stronger than they are now.
Good luck to them but it now means more room for independent pirates like me, unless some anti-pirates rush in to fill in the void. That is another possibility too. Either way, more targets for me.
Have been seeing a lot of Hungarian-based pilots (mainly from the Omega Alliance) in this next of the woods. They travel in groups and they come packing. I think I need a bigger ship!
Vak'Atioth | A Documentary Short
My latest documentary short is now available on my YouTube channel, this
one is about the legendary battle of Vak'Atioth that pitted the Amarr going
2 days ago