Not that I am a bloodthirsty person but I like a good fight. The Independence channel now has four persons in it. I have another three that I am chatting to who like the idea it stands for.
So back to Eifer and this time Shaji was back. A good pilot and wasted camping the Eurgrana system.
He popped a rifter from another anti-pie crew in Gusandall. Good kill.
Back to Eifer and it was busy - I waited for Rak as he was finishing off some food but I spotted a two-day noob in a breacher. There were plenty of other peeps in local and some from Doom Guard. I smelt like a trap but decided it was time to spring it.
I scanned Renat down to two belts and rolled the dice - I guessed right exploding out of warp, 13km from Renat's breacher. I snapped on the warp scrambler and braced myself for a swarm of frigates to appear around me. This is what happened to Rakanas last night.
Renat was obviously startled as he tried to run but I was now close enough to him to hit the frigate with a webber and this snared him tight. I opened up with my new 150mm autocannons (including a T2 version loaded with Barrage) and one volleyed the ship.
A beautiful ring of debris and fire ensued - with me popping his pod to be sure that he clears local. Can't be giving out intel now can I?
Revivor was also in the Independence channel and he was having a great time in Covryn. Might have to join him sometime.
Rakanas then joined me and we had a hunt around for a vigil - Rak managed to get close three times and scrambled him but then lost his lock. Am sure the vigil had ECM fitted. I never got close but if only both of us appeared - a double-lock would be hard to break.
An hour or so, we split up and I probed a belt around Eifer IV and was ambushed by two rifters. They caught me by surprise and both rifters managed to get me to armour before I could re-acquire. My heart hammering and mouth dry, I locked and webbed the first rifter. It was piloted by Natascha Nasty (RMS) and I let her ship have it. The second rifter I left alone, even though it's missiles were ripping my shields and armour off in chunks. I managed to get Nastascha Nasty's rifter down to hull as I entered hull. The malkuth rocket launcher spat death and the last rocket smashed into her hull. I didn't have time to snag her pod but switched to the second rifter, piloted by Erzsebet Bathori (RMS) - who was at full shield and armour. I was down to hull (65%).
I snagged her with the webber slowing it down and opened up, armour repping as my cap bled out. I managed two cycles before the cap was gone but it repaired my armour to 99%. It would do as my EMP and BARRAGE autocannon shells knocked her shields - I could see them flaring off as it absorbed the destructive energies of my guns. Soon she was in armour and I grinned like a terran wolf as I ate into her armour. I could taste victory but I had to hurry: local was filling up quicker than a cheap bar in downtown Rens after a speedball derby. Something must have snapped in Erzsebet as her autocannon shots were going wild - only her missiles were hitting me. Down to 10% hull and I howled in delight as the last barrage shell bored through her weakening hull and into her pod.
She died with a squish. What a rush.
2007.01.29 21:33
Victim: Natasha Nasty
Alliance: NONE
Corp: Republic Military School
Destroyed: Rifter
System: Eifer
Security: 0.4
Involved parties:
Name: flashfresh (laid the final blow)
Security: -10.0
Alliance: NONE
Corp: Independent Pilots
Ship: Rifter
Weapon: 150mm Light AutoCannon II
Destroyed items:
Monopropellant I Hydrazine Boosters
150mm Light Carbine Repeating Cannon I
Small Armor Repairer I
Capacitor Power Relay I
Capacitor Power Relay I
Phased Plasma S, Qty: 89
Phased Plasma S, Qty: 89
2007.01.29 21:34
Victim: Erzsebet Bathori
Alliance: NONE
Corp: Republic Military School
Destroyed: Rifter
System: Eifer
Security: 0.4
Involved parties:
Name: flashfresh (laid the final blow)
Security: -10.0
Alliance: NONE
Corp: Independent Pilots
Ship: Rifter
Weapon: 150mm Light AutoCannon II
Destroyed items:
150mm Light AutoCannon I
Rocket Launcher I
150mm Light AutoCannon I
150mm Light AutoCannon I
Cold-Gas I Arcjet Thrusters
Small I-a Polarized Armor Regenerator
Foxfire Rocket, Qty: 150 (Cargo)
Phased Plasma S, Qty: 79
2007.01.29 21:35
Victim: Erzsebet Bathori
Alliance: NONE
Corp: Republic Military School
Destroyed: Capsule
System: Eifer
Security: 0.4
Involved parties:
Name: flashfresh (laid the final blow)
Security: -10.0
Alliance: NONE
Corp: Independent Pilots
Ship: Rifter
Weapon: Gremlin Rocket
The Beauty of Eve Online
The folks over at JUST challenged us to create a 4-8 minute video on the
theme of "beauty" for Eve Online. I have to admit that the second this
4 hours ago