Whipping open the scanner I narrowed her down to a single belt and making sure that local was clear apart from Shini and I, the rifter then warped to the belt. I checked ammo levels and was satisfied that the EMP rounds will be more than enough.
Bleeding plasma trails, I screamed out of warp and the sweet, sweet white square bracket appeared in my overview. She was there and wasn't ratting but waiting for me. I gunned the rifter and checked the distance: 17km. On came the scrambler and I rapidly closed the distance, my heart hammering hard now as I mentally prepared myself. She re-targetted too and closed the distance. We passed each other, guns blazing - she had a missile launcher and hit me with tigerclaw missiles but all three of my autocanons and one rocket launcher were scoring hits - her shields were stripped off in one volley and her armour was more or less blasted off in the second. Don't undersestimate the 150mm autocannon Tech 1 - especially when backed up with frigate V and surgical strike V!
Her hull exploded and her pod popped out free, I snagged it and killed her. There was no chat in local.
2007.01.25 15:44
Victim: Shinigami Minikill
Alliance: NONE
Corp: Republic Military School
Destroyed: Capsule
System: Gusandall
Security: 0.4
Involved parties:
Name: flashfresh (laid the final blow)
Security: -10.0
Alliance: NONE
Corp: Independent Pilots
Ship: Rifter
Weapon: 150mm Light 'Scout' Autocannon I
Later on in the evening - i logged back in having spotted Hobolt in the afternoon. I decided I would take a crack at him and started to hunt him down. Local in Gusandall was very busy with some quite funny smack. Redblack Freitas being the vocal one:
Redblack Freitas > ooooooooo
Redblack Freitas > who has the Curse?
Silver Limited > u
Zombieee > silver has
Redblack Freitas > wanna 1v1 me in my Curse?
Redblack Freitas > or are you ...YELLA!?
Redblack Freitas > hehe ;
Zombieee > Crash
Zombieee > :D
Redblack Freitas > I guess he's scared
Redblack Freitas > "1v1 zomg!"
Redblack Freitas > "I only know how to blob ...I know nothing about pvp"
Redblack Freitas > hehe
Zombieee > hehe
Redblack Freitas > one of you guys will 1v1 me right?
Redblack Freitas > I see a Harbinger, Eagle, Crake, Curse, Caracal, Brutix, and Arbitrator
Silver Limited > Drake Caracal and Brutix are doing a mission together
Silver Limited > look at the wrecks
Redblack Freitas > Eagle, Curse, Arby and HArb?
Redblack Freitas > Ill take a piece of that Eagle ;)
Redblack Freitas > would go nicely with my Absolution killmail
tigerduck1 > yawwwn yawwn
Redblack Freitas > ya ya
Redblack Freitas > PANSY
tigerduck1 > actualy im gay
Redblack Freitas > so what does that have to do with being a coward?
Silver Limited > /emote was wondering what that gapping hole was
tigerduck1 > so come here and le me give you a kiss
Redblack Freitas > so gay guys dont have guts?
tigerduck1 > im a lover not a fighter honey
Redblack Freitas > so you must be doing alot of "loving" in that HAC
tigerduck1 > its full of ky jelly so yeah im all lube up and ready for love
Niraven > /emote faints
Silver Limited > /emote faints
Lorna Green > /emote faints... comes round.. then faints again
tigerduck1 > /emote lubes up the fainted corp members
Anyway, it was funny but I wanted Hobolt and in the midst of all these T2 cruisers and frigates, our brave rifter pilot was out and I had to admit, was impressed by his Chutzpah for doing so. Still, he was to fall to my guns nonetheless.
I caught Hobolt at a belt picking through some remains: he was 30KM away and I had to make a snap decision: BM his position and come back or gun the afterburner and close the distance. I did the latter and prayed he would not warp out. He didnt as I got within 20KM I had him scrambled. He tried to run but couldn't. My Autocannons spat death and his frigate blossomed in a lovely cloud of fire and debris. My shields sparking as bits of his craft hit them. Since local was so busy, I had no choice but to pop him.
2007.01.25 21:15
Victim: hobolt
Alliance: NONE
Corp: Republic Military School
Destroyed: Rifter
System: Gusandall
Security: 0.4
Involved parties:
Name: flashfresh (laid the final blow)
Security: -10.0
Alliance: NONE
Corp: Independent Pilots
Ship: Rifter
Weapon: 150mm Light Prototype I Automatic Cannon
Destroyed items:
Medium Anode Pulse Particle Stream I
Dual Anode Light Particle Stream I
Standard Missile Launcher I
Expanded Cargohold I
Expanded Cargohold I
Civilian Shield Booster I
Sabretooth Light Missile, Qty: 839 (Cargo)
Fiery Kernite, Qty: 165 (Cargo)
Sabretooth Light Missile, Qty: 39
2007.01.25 21:17
Victim: hobolt
Alliance: NONE
Corp: Republic Military School
Destroyed: Capsule
System: Gusandall
Security: 0.4
Involved parties:
Name: flashfresh (laid the final blow)
Security: -10.0
Alliance: NONE
Corp: Independent Pilots
Ship: Rifter
Weapon: 150mm Light Prototype I Automatic Cannon
I quickly safespotted and waited out the global flag. Once it was gone, my flying acquitance, Rakanas was in Eifer and I joined him. In local was also Markosjas (i popped him a month ago) and a few others. It looked like Rak and I were hunting everyone else that night and they were hunting us and them. I was to prove to be a glorious free for all.
There was also a stabber in local piloted by Gyoud. I wanted another stabber killmail so went hunting for him, at the same time that Rak was hunting for Markosjas. A fifth pilot (Prasolitka in a rifter) was also looking for us. Add in Redblack Frietas in his curse and you can see it was going to be an interesting night.
Cat and mouse for a while as each pilot jockeyed for position and it was game on when Redblack left local. 15 minutes later, I spotted Prasolikta engaging Rak. Also, Markosjas had jumped in engaging Rak. I warped in just as Gyoud was there. What a lovely mess!
I targetted and scrambled Gyoud's stabber and proceeded to pummel him. His shields disappeared quick and with my webber on him, he was going down. He then warped out. I blinked hard: damn, he had at least on stab on.

Not wasting time, I targetted Prasolitka - who was being hit by Rak. She exploded and I snagged her pod and killed her. We needed to clear local a bit.
2007.01.25 22:42
Victim: Prasolitka
Alliance: NONE
Corp: Republic Military School
Destroyed: Capsule
System: Eifer
Security: 0.4
Involved parties:
Name: flashfresh (laid the final blow)
Security: -10.0
Alliance: NONE
Corp: Independent Pilot
Ship: Rifter
Weapon: 150mm Light 'Scout' Autocannon I