Truly, truly a mad man....
landed right onto me in Gusandall - I mean I was hunting him as everyone else had docked.
2007.01.21 23:52
Victim: madman5222
Alliance: NONE
Corp: Republic University
Destroyed: Burst
System: Gusandall
Security: 0.4
Involved parties:
Name: Gistii Outlaw / Angel Cartel
Name: flashfresh (laid the final blow)
Security: -9.9
Alliance: NONE
Corp: Independent Pilots
Ship: Rifter
Weapon: 150mm Light 'Scout' Autocannon I
Destroyed items:
Medium Beam Laser I
Infrared S, Qty: 3 (Cargo)
Infrared S
125mm Gatling AutoCannon I
Carbonized Lead S, Qty: 119
2007.01.21 23:54
Victim: madman5222
Alliance: NONE
Corp: Republic University
Destroyed: Capsule
System: Gusandall
Security: 0.4
Involved parties:
Name: flashfresh (laid the final blow)
Security: -10.0
Alliance: NONE
Corp: Independent Pilots
Ship: Rifter
Weapon: 150mm Light 'Scout' Autocannon I
The Art of War For New Eden | Part One
Today I am releasing what I hope will become a series exploring the
creative development of the War For New Eden Board Game from my personal
4 days ago